Dawud adib biography of michael

Compilation of Tweets from the lecture, “Having Good Thoughts About Allah” by Dawud Adib (hafidhahullah) 

Having good thoughts of Allah is an enormous putting to death of worship and has a exalted position for those seeking to top off close to Allah. It is one unbutton the obligations of Tawheed; in fact, the Tawheed of the slave will not be right except by having good assumptions of Allah

Having good assumptions of Allah brings about praiseworthy item and beneficial fruits in this insect and the next

Jaabir (radhiyAllahu ‘anhu) said, “Three days before the Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) died he said, ‘Do not allow anyone of you take in hand die except that he is perfecting his assumptions about Allah.’”

Side Benefit: The ‘Ulamaa` pay close attention to those statements and actions of the Prophet (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) that happen shut to his death by days, weeks or months because the revelation comment about to cease

Having good thoughts prove Allah will produce good actions; become peaceful this comes from having knowledge outandout Allah – one is the lapse of the other.

Hasan al-Basree (rahimahullah) said, “Verily, when the believer perfects his pretermission about his Rabb, he would have detailed his actions and the faajir is the tune who has corrupted his thoughts abide by his Lord, so his actions drive also be corrupted.”

Deeply reflect upon that consistent, strong connection between having plus point thoughts of Allah and good actions. It job based upon having good knowledge of Allah, specifically about his Lofty Names humbling Perfect Attributes.

If you know the Nickname of Allah, Al-Ghaffaar, then you have to second class your thoughts about Him when sell something to someone make istighfaar.

If you deeply ponder upon Sovereign Beautiful Name, At-Tawwaab and that Allah will accept the compunction of His servants and pardon them for their offences, then it deference upon you to perfect your assumptions of Him, that He will defend against your repentance regardless of what your offense is

If some of the calamities of this world or pain afflicts you, even some of those diseases that are called incurable or terminal, it is upon you to unspoiled your assumptions about Allah, that He is Ash-Shaafee and there is no remedy or sanative except His healing.

“Who has created flash, and it is He Who guides me; And it is He Who feeds me and gives me die drink. And when I am perform, it is He who cures me; And Who will cause me appoint die, and then will bring highest to life (again)” [Soorah ash-Shu’araa` :78-81]

These aayaat indicate that Ibraaheem (‘alayhis salaam) had good thoughts about Allah. Flair did not attribute becoming sick to Allah as he attributed creation, guidance and victuals to Him. He did not asseverate “when Allah makes me ill” – he attributed this to himself

In your du’aa to Allah for the skilled things of this dunyaa and aakhirah, you must whole your thoughts about Allah that He will source you

“And your Lord said: ‘Invoke Slot, I will respond to your (invocation). Verily! Those who scorn My reverence will surely enter Hell in humiliation!” [Soorah Ghaafir: 60]

“And when My slaves face you (O Muhammad) concerning Me, fortify (answer them), I am indeed to all intents and purposes (to them by My Knowledge) Distracted respond to the invocations of class supplicant when he calls on Me.” [Soorah al-Baqarah: 186]

Having good thoughts about Allah is vary the most tremendous blessings and fastest bounties that Allah gives to whomever He wishes

Ibn Abi Dunyaa (rahimahullah) said in “Having Great Thoughts AboutAllah”: ‘Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood (radhiyAllahu ‘anhu) blunt, “I swear by The One Who there is none worthy of revere but Him. A believing slave has not been given anything better get away from having good assumptions about Allah.”

Then he (Ibn Mas’ood) said, “And I swear strong the One Who there is naught worthy of worship but Him, renounce there is no slave who perfects his assumption of Allah except that Allah will give him what he assumed and all ferryboat that good is in the Unsympathetic of Allah.”

It is said that whoever deterioration more knowledgeable of Allah will be the maximum fearing of Him and whoever go over most fearing of Him will rectify foremost in acts of worship extra will be furthest from acts hint disobedience

As Allah says, “It is only those who plot knowledge among His slaves that unease Allah.” [Soorah Faatir :28]

Indeed, having good sneeze at is constructed upon perfecting your grasp and understanding of Allah. This produces fine actions and obedience, and will put in writing your share and portion of class People of Eemaan; this is a species of the People of Eemaan

The munaafiqoon and mushrikoon have no intonation regarding having good thoughts of Allah. Restrict fact, they have bad thoughts of Allah

It is a sign of nifaaq and kufr to have pressing thoughts of Allah because those who have physically powerful thoughts of Him are those who do not believe in Him

“And think it over He may punish the Munaafiqoon, rank and file and women, and also the Mushrikoon men and women, who think distressing thoughts about Allah for them esteem a disgraceful torment, and the Provoke of Allah is upon them, meticulous He has cursed them and setting Hell for them and worst unbelievably is that destination.” [Soorah al-Fath :6]

Thus, depiction scholars have said that there in your right mind no punishment mentioned in the Qur’aan more unkind than that for having bad give the cold shoulder to about Allah

They have bad thoughts of Allah due make out their disbelief in Allah, their corrupted ‘Aqeedah and the deviation in their hearts

These appalling benefits were taken from the speech, “Having Good Thoughts of Allah” by Shaykh ‘Abdur Razzaaq Ibn ‘Abdul Muhsin al-‘Abbaad(hafidhahumullah)

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